Taweez for Children

Taweez for Children


Is your child facing any evil or health problem ?? Why don‘t you use a Taweez to protect your child from any disease and evil thing ?? The child is a precious gift of Allah (SWT) that everyone wishes to have. And those who are blessed with children always care them in the top manner. A child may tell you when he/she faces any problem but an infant can do nothing except crying.


It is a responsibility of parents to understand their children from the very beginning. Children are often likely to be fearful of unknown things, imagination, and daydream as a result they get scared. Hence, it is advisable for their parents to protact their child by using Taweez.




Taweez is a tool that can heal number of problems of all age group children such as :-


1. Protects from evil eye (Buri Nazar).


2. Direct your child on righteous path.


3. Give relief from infant stomach ache or other health issues.


4. Prevent from black magic.


5. Heal the incurable diseases.


6. Get relief from nightmares.


7. Safe from any fear.


8. Keep the children under parents influence


Besides this, an infant who cries for no reason can wear this. Taweez is the safeguard as well as considered to keep the blessings of Allah (SWT).


What Glorious Quran says about Taweez for Children:-


Narrated in Surah Al Israa: V82, Allah (SWT) states, the Glorious Quran is most beneficial and merciful to cure people suffering from spiritual and physical problems. Stated in Abu Dawud (1782), Abdullah ibn Amr used to knot protective Taweez around the neck of children. Taweez does not contain verses of Kufr, therefore, it is permissible to be worn by Muslims.


On the other side, it is believed by the Muslims that everything happens with the will of Allah (SWT) but the use of Taweez is permissible just to heal the uninvited problems.


Stated in Islam: 1035, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said that Taweez is a remedy for every problem when a remedy is applied to the diseases, it works with the permission of Allah (SWT). Thus medicines become more effective with Allah (SWT) prayer.


The above description concludes that Taweez for Children is permissible to provide them a safeguard. It is an exceptional way to keep the blessings of Allah (SWT) with themselves.


How to Make Taweez for Children:-


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1. Take a white paper and create the Taweez that is given below.


2. Use ink made from saffron to write this.


3. Fold the paper and make it wrap with the leather fitting.


4. You can also use silver locket to contain the Taweez and keep it secure to get wet or burnt.

Taweez for Children

Procedure to Use Taweez for Children :-



Your Taweez is ready to wear. Take this Taweez in your hand and make a Dua for what purpose you are going to use this. Make your child knot this on the top of the arm or can be used as the necklace in the neck. If you don’t want anyone to see this, you can choose the stylish silver locket that looks like a pendant but keep Taweez inside that locket.


Precautions to Make Taweez for Children :-


1. This process should proceed on Friday night after the Juma Ki Namaz.


2. Keep the Taweez safe to get water inside or any other harm.


3. Before applying this to the body, when you are praying, keep mention for what purpose you want to wear this to your child.


4. It is advisable to respect the Taweez as it contains the indulgent of Allah (SWT).


Taweez for Children: Best Time to Use it for Positive Result :-


In Muslim religion, Juma ki Namaz is assumed the sacred time to make any wish that come true. And luckily this day is the best when you can make your Taweez. If the issue is related to evil, your child will get improved instantly. In case of any health issue, you will see the positive result within next 7 days of wearing this.


If you are following this procedure step by step, definitely you will get the result in your favor. But still, in case of any assistance, you can schedule your appointment with Molvi, the perfectionist in this field.




Taweez For Various Issues of Life




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